Pilates Integrated Therapeutic Excercise

Physical therapists are using Pilates as a powerful tool to strengthen their rehabilitation programs. With this form of exercise, PT's can effectively integrate core stability, breathing and proper posture with the concepts of flexibility and strengthening.

They also can use it as a standalone regimen for patients to maintain and improve their rehabilitated conditions. Pilates focuses on the mind-body connection and the body’s “powerhouse.” These are the core muscles consisting of the deep abdominal and back muscles, as well as the muscles of the pelvic and shoulder girdles.

As PT’s look more closely at Pilates, many find familiar physical therapy techniques packaged in a well-defined, dynamic repertoire that can gently and effectively change movement patterns and posture. With its attention to building core strength, fine-tuning body alignment and retraining the body for correct movement patterns, Pilates can be the primary element in many physical therapy programs.

Pilates is most effective in treating postural dysfunctions that involve muscle imbalance. The technique also have been successful in rehabilitating patients with TMJ, scoliosis, balance disorders, fibromyalgia, abdominal surgeries, incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction, lumbosacral sprain and strain, herniated cervical and lumbar disc, spondylolisthesis, patellar tracking problems and thoracic outlet syndrome.

Pilates exercises can be basic or they can challenge even the most advanced, physically fit patients. People of any age, ability, fitness level, injury or limitation can benefit from them.

Most of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives, often as a result of injury or poor posture. By building inner muscular strength and flexibility, a Pilates-based exercise program gives real and lasting benefits for people suffering from back ache, a sore neck or strained muscles. It can prevent you from experiencing injuries and postural problems and help you recover more quickly if you do.